
Friday, July 22, 2011

The Irresistibly Sweet Blog Awards...

the irresistibly sweet blog award

MeiJo's Joy is so thrilled and honor to receive the very first blog awards from Happy Cake and others fabulous things - Thank you so much Tabitha!  You are so sweet and kind to think of MeiJo's Joy.
Tabitha's blog is filled with a great mix of awesome decor, super simple craftings and recipes, amazing photographs, cakes and a lot of others fabulous things.  And every visit to her blog is always full of surprise and inspiration.

Happy Cake Crafts

And thank you to everyone who visits my blog, drops me a comment and also those who willingly follow my blog even though I never offer any give away, but just pure friendship in return. Dear 126 fabulous friends (those I placed at the very top of the blog) you are the reason I keep this blog running and cracking my mind every day and night...try my best to share with you what you may delighted to see!!! to proceed this "honorable ceremony"...there're few conditions that come along with the award...

#1 - Send a 'Thank you" to the person who nominated you and include the link.
#2 - Share 7 random facts about yourself
#3 - Pass the awards on to at least 8 fabulous bloggers that you think is irresistibly sweet!
#4 - Contact those bloggers and congrats them!

Ok!  Let's begin...

Now, 7 random facts about myself...random...

Fact 1 : I haven't go for movies since 1998...after the first date with my first boyfriend (current hubby)...

Don't get me wrong, I do like movies but I prefer bought a DVD and watch it a home...more comfortable and I decide when the show begin!  Not to mention the homemade snacks I able to enjoy at the same time.  After having Mei Mei and JoJo...I think having a home movies night is one of the best activities during weekends!  I love anything from Disney and Pixar.

Fact 2 : 

When starting our home in 2000, my hubby and I decided that we are not going to use any toilet paper, tissue paper, kitchen towel and we even stop buying newspaper.  For the TR...I do keep some for guest and visitors.  Mei Mei and Jo Jo is potty trained at 1 + to 2 years more paper diapers after that.  Even as babies, they only wore paper diapers at night.  

Fact 3 :  I am a left-handed.  During my childhood times...Most Chinese family don't prefer (unwilling to accept)to have a left-handed child...I remember I have a few classmates in primary who are born left-handed but forced to use their right hands when learning to write.  I am so glad my family never did this...and I even win a few hand writing competitions in school at that time!  Some of my envy classmates said I cheating because not using the 'right' hand.  I fell in love with Chinese Calligraphy when I was in Year 1 - and learn to write with brush with my right hand! Yep... I write with my right hand when brush writing 'cause left hand will smear the ink!

Fact 4 :  I am not a girly girl...and never was.  At home, I am the one who chase after cockroaches, hand catching bugs, lizards, crawlies.... And I am glad that now Mei Mei is a great fond to these creatures...I hate to see girls who cry or jump up when they see a cat or a mouse...Nowadays, girls also need to be 'macho'!

Fact 5 : Beach, library, garden, lake, waterfall, these are the places I find peace and can spend forever there!  Yes, I visit library once or twice every week.

Fact 6 : I appreciate good song and music, but I never spend a penny buying cassette, CD on them.  During my teenager's original cassette can be very expensive (about RM20 per pc) and I'm already very thrifty at that time...So, I only listen to radio or when a song is played at the supermarket.  My favorite one will be Kenny G and Kitaro (Japan).

Fact 7 : 
old photo taken during before Mei Mei  n JoJo
I would never consider myself family never labeled me as one too...One of the reason is I am not fact I have this really rare facial defect since a kid.  One side of my jaw bone seem to grow bigger and wider than the other side and there is not much a surgery can help.  When I was a kid, I always pray this problem can be solve and try to hide it by cover with long hair or comb my hair to one side...after I grew up... I start to ignore and get use to it that I am not normal.  Honestly, I wouldn't say I am ugly but I do say that I look 'weird'. Due to this defect, I never dream of dating, having boyfriend or even getting marry.  I never have any admirer until my final year in university where I met my current love.  We met, we friends, we date and got married.  He NEVER ask or mention about my 'defect'!   Not even after married.  I did ask him why...he said "It's doesn't matter and you look perfect and beautiful to me."  The very first person who say that to me and mean it!

Fact 8 - (Wait...there is no in the conditions, I add this myself... If you want to know more or there's anything you want to know about me..just don't have to wait for an award time to know me better! :) 

Now, I passed the sweet awards to (in random order, I hope the condition is 126 awards, all my blog friends are sweet!)...

#1 .  Mich L. In L.A.  - A blog of creativity and mind provoking!  Her comments is always so sweet!

#2.  Creative Mind - Her talent in Henna Designs and crafting is amazing.

#3.  Of Pinks and Fairy Tales - A very sweet working mom and lot of sweet stuffs she made for her little princess and amazing anthropologie-inspired projects.

#4.  Jac o'lyn Murphy - Everthing you see in this blog are simple SWEET!

#5.  Vibrant Serenity - Sweet Texan sharing her life in Denmark!

#6.  Cookin' for my Captain - A creative sweet Captain's wife... cookin' up all the greatest recipes from all over the world!

#7.  Hazel and Honeysuckle - She describe herself as an Aussie PHD student who craft and blogs to stay sane!

#8. A Creative Princess - Her blog, her linky party, her comments, her kindness...she is definitely sweet.

#9. The smallest forest - A very talented sweet lady who live down under...

#10. Love Sweet Love - The title tells it all....Love Sweet Love!

#11.  Inspired by Giving - Isn't that a sweet name for a blog?

#12. Crissy's Craft - A sister blog to MeiJo's Joy.  Drop by her blog and be inspired by her fresh and easy craft on a budget.

#13. Messy Mimi - What do you say when you saw a mom with elbow deep in paint, batter, soil or getting messy with fabric and all things crafty? SWEET!

Thanks again Tabitha for granting me this Sweet award - I would have give it to you if I have a chance to!  You are definitely IRRESISTIBLY SWEET!




  1. Thank you so much PC! I need to start thinking about other blogs to pass this on to. It's also great getting to know you more through the random facts. And I haven't seen a lot of movies since I had Andrea too... not even time to get the DVD's and watch them :-/ And to think that since my husband and I started dating until after we got married, we used to watch movies EVERY weekend. How motherhood changes everything! Thanks again PC!

  2. Hello my friend...this post is really interesting..i love to read,i didn't open my PC from 2 days, i was just using my iPhone a little for blogging..but when i receive your lovely award, & i read your full post..although my two nephews & one niece were going to crack LCD..very naughty kidos..& i am also having a paper on Monday so i am avoiding blogland..but i have to write some love !!

    well your post is just awesome, you are a super cute & Creative friend, nice to meet you girl!!
    By the way i am kinda Mad about insects..i always scream whenever any cockroach or lizard enter my room, mostly on garage area, believe me i almost gotta DIE..but luckily whenever i cry my Hero brothers always survive their little girly mad sister from villains(insects)i wish someone crush all insects from the Earth :)

    well its getting long..
    Thanks again for this post & the award sweet of you!!

  3. Thank you--your so SWEET! =) I have the FBF link up again this week, would love it if you could link up another recipe this weekend!

    Cookin' for my Captain's FBF

  4. PC -

    Congrats on the award! Thanks for sharing those facts about you. I, too, prefer watching movies at home. I don't much care for crowds.

    My grandmother grew up in a time when left handedness was seen as from the devil, so they strapped her arm up behind her back in grade school; she was very humiliated. I'm so glad your family accepted your left handedness, cuz oh my, my grandmother had a lot of emotional problems because of her treatment in school.

    By the way, I think you're quite lovely, and yes, I do mean it. We all need to learn to see each other's souls. :)

    Tracy Screaming Sardine

  5. @JanelleDear Janelle, we stop going to movie after the first one because after the movie we found out we both don't like cinema..ha ha!

  6. @CREATIVE MINDDear Khadija, you are always my sweet friend!

  7. @Screaming SardineDear Tracy, it's such a pleasure to have you drop by...thank you for the sweet comment!

  8. Wonderful post, PC! (Sorry I came so late, I was away visiting family.) Thanks so much! Loved reading your 7 things. Your husband is obviously your true soul mate. I agree with screaming sardine, you are a lovely person inside and out. Also a fabulous writer. I must go visit all your awardees, many are new to me.

    p.s. the potty picture is the cutest!

  9. @Michelle L.Dear Mich, you comments always make me want to do better and certainly a big push to my next milestone!

  10. You're so very welcome. You definitely deserve this award. I always enjoy reading your posts. The best part of the award is getting to know my favorite bloggers a bit better. :-)


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