
Saturday, September 10, 2011

Logos Hope...The floating book fair!

Logos Hope, the world's largest floating book fair has docked at Penang port and has been attracting a array of tourists and visitors from all over the country - including the kids and the rest of the family!

We went there after lunch's a weekend and we were caught in a long queue at the police register counter and another queue for at the tickets counter (there was a row of about 50 peoples in front us)!
Luckily we don't really waste a lot of time queue... So, I steal some times for photo shooting...

I visited Logos earlier during her last visit in Penang - long ago before I have Jojo and Mei Mei.
  I always love book fair and and a book fair on ship!  Well, you don't have that everyday don't you! - Now, this is a must see!  

An old port ...

During the queue...

On the way...

Ticket counter

The admission fee  is RM1.00 and free for children under 12 years old.

A quote on the wall near the entrance...

Sample of the room in the ship...tiny but nice

Wall of history

Some interesting item on display...

Wow!  Look at the crowd.
The price of the book range from RM8 to RM80.

There's a children corner to pass their time while waiting
for their parents 'shopping'.

Mei Mei loves the little piano at the cafe area...
After that visit..she told me she change her ambition
from pet shop owner to "A Big Ship Owner".  Huh?

Logos Hope sails around the world.  Have you ever visit her?

See you



  1. I have never heard of this but it looks like alot of fun!

  2. It looks fabulous! I have never heard of a floating book fair. Mei Mei can have anything she wants, so when she has a ship I hope she'll sail over to Los Angeles and visit.

  3. Logoa Hope next stop will be at Manila, Philiphpines....


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