
Thursday, September 1, 2011

Places around the neighborhood..(1)

It has been a pretty busy weeks...
One of my aunt from 'far away land' drop by for a visit 
last few week.  So, we bring her for a sight seeing 
around the neighborhood we live.
I bring the camera along, so you can join us for a short tour too!

The first place we bought her to is a Chinese Temple.
It's not very grand but I love the architectural details all over the building.

The entrance

The 'Silence warning sign'

Into the temple

These wall are fill with 3D marble craving

Each panel tell a story...

I love this one!

Dragon pillar


A big panel of marble craving beside a water fountain

Dragon on roof

Inside the temple

This temple look even marvelous during at night,
I'll share that later.

Always remember 

Even if happiness forgets you a little bit, 
never completely forget about it.  ~Jacques PrĂ©vert




  1. waoo, what a nice architecture..specially the weird faces of dragons..woo!!!

  2. Marvelous photos! I love all the carvings. And since I collect small Fo dog statues, of course those temple dog pictures are my favorites! I have them all over my house. I'm never sure if I should call them Foo, Fo or Fu. But I love them! (What are they called in Malaysia?)

  3. @Michelle L.Well, if you meant the 4 legs animal with a dragon head - that's a "Fu Qi Ling" a combination of a lion body and dragon head - it believe to be able to bring good luck and fortune to family and business.


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