
Sunday, October 9, 2011

Visit by 4 sisters

I have been so busy lately...2 school exams ( Mei Mei & Jojo ), flu (Jojo), coughing (Mei Mei), a blocked kitchen sink, a VIP visit (my mother in law and her 3 sisters from Singapore came over for a week....), cooking, washing...painting...and most recent....seriously addicted to PINTEREST .... I am so sorry for not posting anything crafty recently...Sorry for been such a bad blog friend.  I did check out all your new post..but just out of good words to inspire you!

Maybe I should share with you my last week routine when my MIL (mother in law) and her sisters are here.  They are really nice people, I really look forward for their visit and I know this visit means so much to my MIL.  My MIL stayed in Malaysia after married and hardly went back to Singapore, I know she miss her family so much.  My MIL is a very nice lady and my best mom too!  She treat me like her daughter the first day I meet her.  I visit all her sisters in Singapore too, and they are as sweet and kind as my MIL.  Now, I have the chance to repay they kindness.

So, as an typical Asian daughter in law, I wish to "perform" the very best when these VIP came over.  I clean and re-organized the whole house a week before their arrival, make sure everything is 'friendly' for them (safety, cleanliness, etc) and the food! (The elder sister have history of cancer..., the second is my MIL - have problem with her ankle, cannot walk or stand too long; the third sister is a vegan and maintain very healthy no oil, no salt, no sugar diet and finally the youngest sister is 'everything is ok' person!
I spend days looking for recipe which able to suite everyone.  Add in beds in the guest room, so they all can share the same room and chat the whole night as long as they wish.  Planning relaxing places and activities that might interest them but not to tiring.  And get a few nice old movies to fill they free time in between.
When they are here...I make sure I wake up the earliest to prepare some hot breakfast for them...(I don't want them to trouble themselves in the kitchen) and stay up a bit later so I can tidy up the living room, do the laundry and mop the floor - So, the next morning, everything will look nice and pleasant.  I just want them to have a 'perfect' rest time.

I am exhausted but I really do enjoy the time when they are here, the saddest time is when they say good bye.  The elder sister said, "We are very old already and each with own illness...this would most probably be our LAST visit... do take care of your MIL and try to bring her to Singapore when you free!"  Oh dear! I always hate say good bye... and seeing they shadow vanished into the airport gate and thinking of the 'LAST' word make my heart break!

May God Bless and comfort my elderly parents. 

May He ease their pain (both physical and mental) and 
comfort them that they have lived a good and productive life.

That they have touched and helped so many they know 

and do not know by their kind hearts and deeds.

                                                          May He ease and comfort them and assist them
to deal with those who do not show the respect they so richly deserve
May He teach those persons to value and appreciate their elders 
and those things that are truly important.
May He Bless and give my family (and my parent's friends), 
the wisdom and strength to care for and protect them from harm.

(I think I'm going to call my parents tonight
and invite them over for a weekend!)


  1. so enjoyed this post and I'm sure you MIL and her sisters had a grand time. Love the picture of your hands together, priceless.


  2. I have just learned that the role of a daughter in-law in your country is the same as in my country and that you also believe in an extended family tradition just like we do. Wow its amazing to think that we have the same ethics and yet we are worlds apart


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