
Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Old socks...

I have been busy painting and doing a bit of 'redo' around the house lately.  And this morning, during cleaning and clearing up Jojo's room, I found some Jojo and Mei Mei's old socks - some with no pair and some are too small for them already.  Normally, I would pass the ones which are still new to any younger kids in the family... and those with no pair or wore out I would send to the recycle center together will other rags.  But, today ... I think I have an idea for a better use of these socks...

I thought about the empty can I repurposed into stationery holders the other day, and my hubby remind me to do something with the sharp edge before let the kids use them... So....

Why not match these socks and those can and plastics bottle? Like this...

Now, that's take care of the sharp edges around the opening... 

The cute little baby socks go here...

 The "Ultraman" save the day....

This rabbit will be perfect for Jojo's pink study...

The big pink ones were mine...

No waste
No fuss
No trouble

Happy day to you!

Now, I have to get back to my cleaning...clearing...painting...


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  1. These are so cute! Looking at your cute pencil holders actually lifted my sagging spirits today. Great idea too! :)

  2. Oh, I love these!!! Kid socls are always so cute - what a perfect idea to use them for decor in a kid's room! And yes, absolutley, in a grownup room, too!

    Also, I love the way the elastic (on the strawberry sock) holds the scissors upright.

  3. ADORABLE! Thanks for linking to Wicked Awesome Wednesday!

  4. What a cute idea!!! I would never have thought of that! Would you like to link up with Creative Me Monday? I'd love to have you join the party, it's open all week! Here's the link:

    Hope to see you there!
    Jenny @ The Southern Institute

  5. Awesome idea! You know what? I have collected a bunch of these cans recently and waiting to transform them into stationery holder too..heheheh. I may borrow your idea *wink*


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