
Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Come and join the C-S-A World blog hop!

It’s December!  What so special this month?… Other than Christmas...I think the next most exciting agenda for me is ...I am hosting  “Creating Success Around the World blog hop !!!

Creating Success around the World

Creating my way to Sucess

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The worldwide blog hop tour, that introduces you to creative people from all corners of the globe.
Every Wednesday me and the other hosts on each continent will introduce
some inspiring creativity from every corner of the world.
Here's how you can take this worldwide tour with us:
You can follow all the hosts to support them and keep up to date with the fabulous posts they will share every week.  Then if you are inspired to join, just link up your own blog to make some new international friends.
Remember to leave us a comment when you follow us so we can follow you back!
And of course we'd love if you added our button to your site to help spread the word!
Here's the hosts:
Make sure you visit them all to see the inspiration and creative people
every corner of the world has to offer:

Asia - Me!!!! 
Europe - Mike @ Blue Velvet Chair
The Americas - Suzy @ Suzy's Artsy Craftsy Sitcom
Australia - Jill @ Creating my way to Success

Today, Jun from the blog BeaniPet  makes the start.   

The first time I saw Jun's work it reminded me of my childhood bear pillow my mom made for me… now, these beanies pillows are on my Christmas wish list … they are so huggable and definitely a good companion.

                                    balloon note
Crafter :  Jun
Creation : Animals beanies pillow / bolster, clutch, ballooNote...etc
What make the creation special : Each beanies have own special personality, character, outlook, hobbies and date of birth.
Website :
Location : Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

1.  Tell me about yourself, your family, hobbies?
I am Jun and I love sewing, doodling, cooking, baking and reading. Love to listen to jazz and work better when listening to it :) My family are like butter to my bread, can’t live without them :)

2.  When / How / Why you blog?  What agenda do you usually like to share about?
Started blogging in 2008 and at first I just wanted to share my ideas and creations online and as time passed, my sewing became a hobby and now it’s my jobby. I usually talk about my creations Beanie Stories and event that are happening in my life :)

3.  Do you create?  What do you create? Why?
My shop is call BeaniPet and I create Beanies. Beanies are huggable animal pillows/bolsters that has personalities, hobbies and date of birth. I create them because I love nothing more then to share my love, passion, joy and hope through my Beanies! Plus they are all one in the world, just like how all of us are in this world!

4.  What's motivate and inspired you?
Life and things around us. Movies, music, stories, food! Anything and everything under the sun :)

5.  What is your most proud creation?
I love all my products and I’m proud of them. I guess if I have to pick just one creations then it’ll be my 1st Beanie: Bearbear. Because I sewed my first Beanie Bearbear, till today I’m still sewing more beanies to life :) So I’m glad I sew Bearbear :)
Name: Bear Bear Adopted jun's collection.not for sale
D.O.B: 24th October 2008
Hobbies: Drive, Sky watch, Sleep
6.  What is your most popular creation?
I guess the design that make everyone go googoo gaagaa about would be my “Dancing Carrot” design.  That is one of my best and fastest adopted design.

 Autumn Hue Dancing Carrot Bunnie Pillow

A big thank you from “Creating Success Around the World blog hop” to Jun.  
We wish your business will be forever success

Don't forget to check out today feature at other part of the world at below links...and linkup your blog or posts at the World Wide Creative Hop (23) below...

Happy Linking



  1. Great interview PC! Those beaniepets are just adorable! I'm off to check out Jun's website!
    Thanks for introducing her to us!

    Jill @ Creating my way to Success

  2. Very sweet! Her creations are adorable!!



  4. PC, I love her work! Been to her blog and her website gallery. Everything is just too cute! Great first interview :) Looking forward to the next ones.


I love your comments...drop a line so I can visit your blog too!