
Friday, December 23, 2011

Minute DIY : Let's Play Dress Up Snowman!

Oh dear!  This morning when I was folding all the laundry...."

Jojo :  Mom, we already have a 'Christmas tree' (not the real thing - read here for Jojo's DIY Christmas tree)...but we don't have any snowman...why can we have snowman in Malaysia?)
Mei Mei : We will need a big refrigerator!?
Hmm...I start to imagine all three of us in a 'big' refrigerator... Haha... while folding Jojo's new white socks I bought for her to use when the school open again in January 2012.   And suddenly I have this silly idea...Check out what we did minutes later...

And this is how it started...
But before this need to know how I normally fold my kids socks
I guess this should be familiar to some of you out there...

Get a pair of sock

Lay one sock on top of the other...
The top one is a bit lower than the bottom ones...

Rolled them together from the bottom...

Left about an inch...

Pull the stretchy part of the  bottom sock and pull down
and wrap the whole roll into it

This is what you will get...
And this is what I was doing when Jojo said she want to make snowman....

So, why not?  Let's make a snowman
I stack 3 sock 'bun's together and make them into the 
shape of a snowman...

I bring out all my pins and stash of ribbons, button and
all my success and failure projects leftovers for the girls... 

 Snowman making in progress...

While the girls are busy with the snowman...
I can have some quiet time for blogging....HaHa!
Mama only spend minutes on the sock's bun...
Mei Mei and Jojo spend the whole morning 'making snowman'
or 'dressing' snowman!

Ready for some snowman parade?
Meet Mr and Mrs Strawberry...they are on their way to sell some strawberry in the market!

Ms Pinky... watering her roses in the garden....

This is Mrs. Brown...ready to attend Hi-Tea party with her friends!
This is such a great project to do with kids during Christmas or
when you need to keep your kids busy when get prepared for Christmas!
Have fun!

This is definitely going to the LAST Christmas's project for 2011!
I'm packing up for a short holiday
going to visit my in laws this weekend
see you after Christmas!

Happy Weekend
Happy Holiday
Merry Christmas!


Mei Mei

These snowman are attending below party!

Chic on a Shoestring DecoratingToys In The DryerTodays Creative BlogSomewhat SimpleFunky Junk's Saturday Nite Special


  1. Mei Mei and JoJo are such creative girls! I love the snowmen. And the snowladies! What an adorable and silly project. I hope you have a wonderful trip - be safe and have fun!

  2. They are so cute. Your girls are just as creative as you :) Tks for your message regarding the sticky tapes. We don't have Yosogo here unfortunately :( I have been getting mine at Mr. DIY too :) The ones you got from Yosogo are so pretty. I haven't seen any designs like them over here. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and yours :)


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