
Wednesday, January 11, 2012

My V Day...14 years ago

I was cleaning and clearing the house for this coming Chinese New Year celebration on 23rd January...
Guess what I came across in my hubby drawers...
Some V day cards I made for my hubby during our years in university
I 'type' this one with a typewriter...14 years ago
Absolute own creation - no copy!
The power of love!
I still keep the typewriter with me...
It's Mei Mei and Jo Jo 'toy'!

Another old card...

Oh! That was the first time I learn to make flip up card...

The handmade gift tag on my first V day present - from my hubby (boyfriend then)...

14 years ago... Yeah..that long! was so long I ever prepare anything special for my hubby on V day,
Will this year be any different?
Or will there be any surprised from him other than chocolate and dinner?
Well, guess you have to wait and find out...

We're all a little weird.  And life is a little weird.  And when we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours, we join up with them and fall into mutually satisfying weirdness - and call it love - true love.  ~Robert Fulghum,True Love



  1. So many cute little Valentines! I suspect this year you are planning something. Hey - Robert Fulghum was one of my High School teachers...isn't this a small world?

  2. You are so creative. I love the cards :) What do you have up your sleeves this V Day?


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