
Tuesday, January 3, 2012

This year....I will

It's new year and let's have a great start by motivating and inspiring each other with some positive ideas!  So, let's me be the first and then you tell me about yours...

This year I will...

#1 .  Tell my love ones that I love them each and everyday!
love you pillows 1 & 2

#2. Learn to Live, Love, Listen and Speak 'better'!
Learn to do.

#3. Look into the mirror every morning and tell myself I am...

#5. Keep a notepad and write down beautiful things that inspired me.

#6. Keep my little camera in my pouch and 'catch' all the awesome moments of my family.

#7. Worry less about the future and concentrate more on being in the moment.


#8. Be Happy and have more patience
Yogi Bjahan quote.
That's for now...
It's your turn to share yours!


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