
Thursday, March 1, 2012

Cactus Pincushion - tutorial

Thanks for visiting again.  Sorry for keep you all waiting for the 'Cactus Pincushion tutorial', but the weather is rather bad lately...I just can't find any a good time with nice natural sunlight to snap the tutorial at my craft, please forgive me for the poor quality of today's tutorial. LoL!

  This is the tutorial for the 'big' cactus in this picture...^o^!!! (Bigger...easier to snap a clear photo!)

Start with cutting 6 pieces of identical fabric (I cut mine from one of my old T-shirt)...the fabric pattern is absolutely perfect for the cactus....

Pair them into 3 pairs....stack each pair face to face and sew the side..with sewing machine or hand...

You will get 3 'pockets' like these...

Turn them over and stack them together...

 This is very thick.. just sew one straight line across the middle
to 'combine' all the 3 'pockets' together...

This is what you should have now...
(3 for 1 ... and ...1 for...a cactus..)

Turn it around and stuff in some cotton or 
whatever material you prefer for your pincushion...
Sew up the openings and place them into 
the 'pot' you have prepare...
or did you?

You may sew a 'puffy flower' on the top...
or decorate as you wish....
Check here for the 'puffy flower' tutorial..

This is the smaller version I show you earlier...
with the same method...
but I 'resized' it and only using 2 pairs of the 'little pockets'.

Meet the the family!!!

Love always

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  1. OMG these are sooo cute!! The big cactus really looks huge though hihi. This is definitely on my 'to do' list :)

  2. These are ADORABLE!! They look so much like real little cactuses!! I'm going to pin them to try myself sometime! They'd make such great little gifts!

  3. They are so adorable. I like both sizes, but love the little one's.

  4. those just couldn't be cuter.
    Thanks for the idea.

  5. Wow, I had no clue as to how you made them - wonderful tutorial as always, PC! The 'family' picture is just amazing, they are so realistic...but also fantastical. it's very difficult to chose one because they're all so good - I might have a tiny crush on the all green one because of the stitched edges.

  6. I love love love this PC! I was cleaning my seldom-used sewing/craft room last weekend and noticed that I need new pin cushions and pins. I'd love to try this when I finally get my sewing mojo back.

  7. Those are so darn cute and just perfect for pins due to the pins on a cactus.

  8. I actually have fabric cut for something similar... thanks for reminding me... I think yours are cuter though. pinning!

  9. Those are just too cute! Thanks for sharing the tutorial!

  10. Well done. I enjoyed seeing your cute cactus pincushions. Thanks for the tutorial.

  11. These are adorable! I can't wait to try making on for myself!

  12. These are so cute -- I love them! Thanks so much for the tutorial!

  13. Too cute. I've been wanting to make and pin cushion and your idea is uber appropriate since I live in AZ. I think we have a winner! I'd love for you to come share your post at my link party.

  14. sO cute!!! Must try this pin cushion! I love cactus and ´ve got some green pieces of fabric around the house so it would be perfect I think. Hope I'm able to do some as nice as yours...

  15. Thanks for sharing this idea! I tried one cactus didn't come out as pretty as yours but I loved making it.

  16. Haha! Cute idea! <3

  17. This is perfect! Love it.

    Thanks :


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