
Thursday, March 15, 2012

What I've been up to....

I've been busy 'rolling'...
I came across a very interesting fabric flower pattern

and just can't stop figure out how to make it...
So, I continue to make ..and make .... and make some more...
but the result is not yet close to 'satisfactory'

Here are some of the WIP and 'reject's...

When I rolled...and rolled...
I got a bit 'side tracked'...and 
made this little friend...
My very first OWL!

Wish me luck...
I'll be posting the tutorial ...




  1. Now wait just a minute! Those are lovely, PC. Your smaller buds are especially pretty. I have tried to make that kind of rolled rose so many times and could never ever get mine to look as good as yours. So I gave up.

    Cutest owl! Can't wait to see how you made him! (Or her.)

  2. Waoooo...PC these are so cute..I Love your beauties..Cant wait to check your owl's tutorial..
    Good Luck :)


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