
Wednesday, December 14, 2011

It's time for Creating Success Around the World blog feature and blog hop!

Happy Wednesday...and welcome to another Creating Success Around the World blog interview - Every Wednesday our host from Europe, Australia, North America and me from Asia will be  features bloggers around the world, asking them a few questions about their experiences of the blogosphere so that we can all get to know a little bit more about their craft and their success stories.  
Creating my way to Sucess
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And don't forget to join our Creative Blog hop party at the end of this post.

Today, I am absolutely honor to showcase ...

Now, who will miss a blog that showcase amazing sewing projects with free easy patterns and great craft tutorials?  And did I mentioned all those inspiring and great photography too?

Craft Passion first caught my eye with her zip-itself coin purse! Others might know how it done – but sharing the how to so generously with a step by step tutorial?  Well, you don’t find a blog like this often …

 Joanne is such a super crafter.  She’s simply expert in anything fro cooking, bead craft, needle craft and the best is recycle anything vintage into something new and different. Looking deeper, you may found an wealth of  pattern for sewing projects, good tips, tutorials and great projects  from almost everything!!!

Crafter : Joanne
Creation : Sewing crafts, bead craft, recycle craft, cooking, etc, etc, etc….

dolly lampshadeAmigurumi French Bulldog [Pattern from Ami Ami Dogs]
Cheerful RainbowSewing Tutorial: Make Puffer Fish From Chenille MittenGreen Shaggy Bag Made from Loop Stitch
Facebook :
Location :Penang, Malaysia
1.   Please share a bit of yourself / your family / your home land
I was raised raised and brought up in a beautiful island of Malaysia, Penang. After all the formal schooling and college, I went to UK for a Postgraduate course in MSc. Engineering Business Management.  Currently, together with my husband, we own and run an engineering company. I spend most of my work-free time taking care of my 2 kids while developing craft patterns and tutorials for Craft Passion.  Occasionally, I will cook for my family and share some recipes in the blog too.

·         2.  You seem to have a great background in all things crafty from sewing to crochet. How did you get interested in crafts? What kind of training did you have?
It is all from curiosity which turns into creativity then make it into reality from my hand. When I see something interesting and inspired by it, I will try to make it myself and turn it into something one-of-a-kind. I want my handmade to be different and special. I am self-trained crafter, I truly believe in “practices make perfect”, if I failed the first time, I will do it again until I am satisfied with the result.

Basket Weaving - in Geometric ShapeRhinstone Bear Charm Keychain

3         3.  Your blog Craft Passion showcases so many amazing projects you’ve made. What prompted you to start a craft blog?
At the very beginning, Craft Passion was meant to be a personal blog that showcase my crafts’ creations. Few months later, I slowly received comments asking me how to make them, that’s how I began to switch my personal blog into a craft blog and start sharing tutorials and free patterns so others can make them too.

   4.  What inspires you to create?
I would say that it is my desire to own something different yet beautiful and useful.

Sew A Rompers From An Old Sweater

·         5.  You have a knack for transforming old thing into fabulous new stuffsuch as sew a rompers from an old sweater. Which other recycle projects are some of your favorites?

I love all my recycle projects but if I only have to choose one, the Woven Rag Rug is one of my favorites recycle projects where I used up all my “don’t-know-what-to-do” old bed-sheets in a good way. I made another similar recycle project, a Braided Rag Rug from the old bed-sheets too and gave it to my mom, she loves it.

·         6.  Of all your blog posts which one are you most proud of and why?

This would be my piggy pillows where I designed and sewed for my kids as well as welcoming gifts for my friend’s new born twins. They love the pillows so much and are still using them. I feel happy when my loved one appreciates what I made for them which in turn bring comfort and companionship to them.

·       7. Which is your most popular and most visited post?

      My most popular and most visited post is the Turtle Pincushion sewing kit combo that I designed and made for myself. I am still using it on my sewing desk and on-the-go sewing project now.

·         8.  Do you sell your creations? 
I don’t usually sell my creations provided there is a great meaning behind the purpose from the buyers. I can’t make to sell because this will take off my time for new creation which is the least I wanted to have.

·         If you had no financial or time constraints, what dream project would you like to work on?
Good question. I have a huge dream, I would like to participate in rebuilding my house into a craft showroom. I want to make all the decorations and put them on the shelves to display.

I'm feature some of Joanne old posts here... what you waiting for...check out her latest Christmas's project here will definitely be inspired!

A big thank you from “Creating Success Around the World blog hop” to Joanne.  
Don't forget to check out today feature at other part of the world at below links...

Till then



  1. I don't have a new project to share but I visited most of the projects posted. So inspiring to be crafty again.

    Thanks for visiting my blog.

  2. Hello PC!

    Thank you for stopping by my place and leaving your comment. I have linked to your fun party and so enjoyed meeting and getting to know Joanne and the wonderful projects she creates.

    Kindly, Lorraine

  3. Thanks for the invite over. Often when I read your posts I'm at work and can't respond. Then I get home from work and, well get busy cooking, cleaning, mothering, crafting, painting etc...

    But here I am now. This is a great series!

  4. Hey! Thanks for inviting me to come and hop along! I've added my blog to your list and am following you! Thanks again! ~Jen @

  5. Great interview PC - Joanne sounds amazing - such gorgeous photos of her crafty work! I can't wait to go visit her blog to see more! Thanks for introducing her to us!

    Jill @ Creating my way to Success

  6. Those little softies are adorable! Very talented!

  7. Thanks for the invite, I have so many crafty blogs to read now !

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. "Thanks, PC for this interview. It means a lot to me :) And, thank you to you too, Jill. Feel free to stop by my website for the existing and updated goodies :)
    From: Joanne - Craft Passion"


I love your comments...drop a line so I can visit your blog too!