Wednesday, June 6, 2012

DIY Gourmet Play - Sushi Toys Free n Easy!!!

Today, I made a big surprised treat for the girls...

I made them these....

Err...these are not for lunch... it's a set of sushi gourmet play
 for the Jojo and Mei Mei who happen to be a great sushi fans.

Can you guess how much I spend to make them???

Time : less than 30 minutes
Cost : $0

Want to know how?????

You must have the "secret ingredients"

I got mine from my grocery trash!

Here they are...

Main ingredients : 

#1  Plastic bag 
(I use black, orange, green and yellow can use whatever your have on hand)

#2  PE fruit packaging foam net
try to get in different colors and sizes.
(Yup, the one use for fruits...bottle ...I never throw them away :P)

#3 - some sticky tapes and some imagination!

Now...let's do it!

Step One
Lay a piece of the foam net flat...
just like the way you make a real sushi
(pretend this is the rice!)

Step Two

Tear some foam net from others colors...
I use pink..because that what I have...

Roll and wrap the pink foam in the centre

Here is the side view
 Secure the roll with some sticky tape

Step Three
Cut few stripe of black 'seaweed' ...
from the black plastics bag...
They really look like the real one...
Wrap the white roll with it

Now, you have your first 'sushi'
The orange one is made from roll of orange plastic bag

Here how we made the Salmon Sushi

Get a smaller piece of the foam net

Instead of rolling...folding them like fan into a rectangular shape
and secure with sticky tape

Cut a small piece of black stripe and 
a big piece of orange plastic sheet

Fold the orange one into a fluffy thick retangular

 Stack the orange one on top and the black
stripe around it.
Done!  Your #2 sushi!

Today's Chef's Special 
(these are other version created by Chef Jojo n her super helper Mei Mei)

I didn't include the tutorial...
do comment me if you need further 'how to'
They join in the fun and one idea come after another...

"inside out sushi"???

Tamaki sushi - cone-shaped seaweed rolls

Tomago sushi (eggs) sushi
this one is not so successful I afraid...
but the 'chef' love eggs!
(slice of rolls of yellow plastics bag!)

The 'leftover' rice was 'stuffed' into a little bowl
and garnished with some 'seaweed'

Hope you enjoy the 'Sushi's

Till then...

Chef Jo Jo
Special assistant cum adviser Mei Mei

This project is featured by

Photobucket I was featured on Fun Family Crafts

Sharing the sushi here 
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  1. Great recycling & awesome kids crafts creations..PC you and your girls are so smart..
    keep enjoying!

  2. This totally ROCKS! I LOVE the idea, and the way you used the packaging that most people (myself included) just throw away. I tell you, I look at my rubbish trying to see something I can make from it, and I never get these great ideas like you do. You have a gift, woman! And I miss you so much! :( Big hugs from over here.

  3. Totally amazing and realistic! Stopping by from someday crafts.

  4. How cute! Great way to recycle and make something great out of it!

  5. Such a fun project for kids to play with.. Love your idea of making sushi toys.. :)

  6. So cute! You have such great ideas!

  7. !! Great fun !!! I like it.


  8. Recycling and sushi = Best craft ever! I'll be featuring you this coming Monday from Creative Juice, and also showcasing this at our new site The Classroom Creative in late June {I will let you know when that runs...}

    Sharing on Pinterest as well.

    Too cute, Chef Jo Jo!

  9. OK I really thought that was real food until I started reading your post. That is soooo awesome! PLEASE link up with me here because this project rocks!

  10. wow.. looks yummy on the SUSHI!! very nice!!

  11. AWESOME! Wow! What a way to recycle!

  12. I ADORE this! You are so creative and it looks fantastic!! Great job :)

  13. So adorable! Amazing how real they look, too! I'd love it if you'd share at Off the Hook.

  14. Always great Meyjo's! If you would like to add a fish, I could help you ;) Take a look here: See you soon!

  15. How realistic! (I am not wearing my glasses so it took me a minute to figure out how sushi is a toy.) What a clever idea!

  16. WOW! This is so awesome! It beat out any of the wooden sets that I've seen in the store!
    Congrats! Your post was one of the top picks selected from our Bowdabra Designers in the Crafty Showcase! We appreciate you sharing your $0 and tasty project with us!

    We will give you a shout out on our Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest accounts today. Have a super weekend and we hope that you will stop back in and share with us starting Saturday morning!



I love your comments...drop a line so I can visit your blog too!
